Activate your highest calling

Divination is about tuning into the higher calling that exists within each of us. This is unique to every individual, and our intention is to create transformative experiences that inspire and empower that journey. We do this through our highly customized and dynamic retreats, workshops, and private offerings.

We are dedicated to fostering a supportive and uplifting community where individuals can join together in their pursuit of self-discovery, healing, and personal growth.

Our members come from various walks of life with the common goal of discovering and cultivating their inherent gifts. Together, we grow as a community as we study, practice, and advance toward our highest calling.

We invite you to journey

inward with us!



Our retreats are designed to assist you in a variety of ways, including personal healing and overcoming fear, so you can put your struggles behind you, clarify your objectives, and realize your fullest potential. You will emerge from our retreats feeling rejuvenated and inspired.

Divination Days

Join us for our transformational events that enrich our lives by infusing them with meaning and purpose. Sign up here to get updates on our upcoming local events.

Private Offerings

We have a variety of offerings to help you on your healing journey.